Paper Lara & aluminium can Batman (and lots more!) by Bob Penikas

01-01-2024: “Be careful, it’s not a toy: these things are sharp…!” In November, 2023 Bob Penikas did a presentation on How To Model Using Soda Cans for the OCIPMS (the Orange County chapter of the International Plastic Modeler’s Society). The presentation was filmed and you can watch it in three parts on Bob Penika’s own YouTube channel! (you might even see a familiar face near the end– other than Bob’s of course ;o)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3

18-08-2018: Typical Lara of course, she can’t stay put very long… So she went with Bob to yesterday evening’s IPMS Orange County chapter meeting! :o)

She looks interested in the other models, especially (typical Lara again… ;o) in the planes and tanks: picture 1| picture 2 | picture 3

07-08-2018: After Last time’s Legend Lara, this time Bob built Underworld Lara in her wetsuit: picture 1picture 2

But he didn’t just build her “as is”, he used the butt glueing technique (I did an old explanation video about it here: link) to avoid overlapping joints so the final paper model looks extra smooth: picture

And of course: this was the first (and so far only… ;o) model I made with not just separate fingers, but also separate toes: picture

In fact, Bob did such a good job building paper Lara, that after she was finished he thought she actually looked a bit *too* clean! So he gave her a wash of brown water colours, and finally a coat of Krylon Acrylic Clear Matte.

Bob is a member of the forum, where you can find lots of paper modeling information and tips and tricks and built examples like paper Lara: link ;o)

13-04-2018: This time Bob didn’t use aluminium cans, but just paper to build my papercraft Lara Croft: picture

(and Lara doesn’t like soda or beer, she likes something a bit stronger… picture ;o)

He used Wausau 90 LB Exact Index for the most part, but that was a bit too stiff for the hair, so for that he used a 20lb paper: picture

Bob edited parts 43 and 45 a bit to enhance Lara’s eh, chest area… ;o) And to make sure Lara wouldn’t fall over, he added some lead weights inside her boots.

Bob’s Lara stands 11 inches tall, with an additional 2 inches for the shotgun, because Bob changed the pose a bit so Lara looks ready for action!

picture 1 | picture 2 | picture 3

07-08-2013: Bob Penikas did a small paper modeling/soda can demo at the Southern California Area Historical Miniature Society (SCAHMS) meeting last march, and another visitor Steven Lloyd made a video of it and posted it on YouTube! ;o)

In it, Bob explains in detail how to go about using a paper model template to create an aluminium can model and he even mentions my Batman: picture ;o)

Bob’s demonstration is posted in 4 parts of video, here are the links:
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4

Have fun watching! ;o)

11-11-2012: The London 2012 Olympic Games Coca Cola can Batman that Bob made served as a prototype for this second version, made from Guiness beer cans.

With the experience he got from building the prototype Coca Cola Batman, Bob only used one layer for Batman’s cape and made this one a little bit bigger (9 5/8 inches instead of 7 3/4 inches): picture 2picture 3

As you can see, the black Guinness beer cans are very suitable for making an aluminium can Batman!

The gold coloured utility belt was made from a Michelob beer can, and the skin tone of his strong, masculine jaw came from an A&W Root Beer can again.

Bob had only just finished his Guinness Batman (literally!) when he took it and his Coca Cola Batman to a meeting of the Southern California Area Historical Miniatures Society (SCAHMS): picture 4

As you can see, the SCAHMS meetings are an event where you can find lots of great miniatures made from all kinds of materials, and Bob tells me got some very good comments on his aluminium can Batmen! ;o)

31-10-2012: Remember those aluminium beverage can papercraft models made by Machaon I told you about a while ago?

Well, those pictures inspired Bob Penikas to make his own aluminium can Batman: picture 1

Bob’s version is made out of London 2012 Olympic Games Coca Cola cans, an A&W root beer can for his skin tone jaw, and a Miller’s beer can for his utility belt!

Bob suggests making him a bit taller than the original to make it easier to make the small parts like the fingers out of aluminium cans instead of paper.

Some parts had to be patched more than he’d like, even though I personally think Coca Cola Batman still looks great! ;o)

Another issue that arose, was that using two layers of aluminium for the cape (front and back) resulted into it being much too heavy and Batman tumbling over: picture 2 :o(

To keep everything together, Bob used Loktite Stik’n Seal Original Waterproof adhesive, but if you know a better alternative, he’s open to suggestions! ;o)

I think Bob did a great job on his Coca Cola Batman, and it’s great to see people inspire each other like this! ;o)

Thank you for building a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model (out of aluminium! ;o)

Warcraft III The Faceless One

233032 Tomb Raider Chronicles The Base vignette (October 31, 2023)
from: Warcraft III – The Frozen Throne video game / size: ± 16,5 cm

parts (1,83 MB PDF file)
instructions (3,25 MB PDF file)

Google Photos


Tomb Raider Chronicles The Base vignette

232023 Tomb Raider Chronicles The Base vignette (October 20, 2023)
from: Tomb Raider Chronicles video game / size: ± 9 cm x 12 cm x 38,5 cm

parts (2,47 MB PDF file)
instructions (2,26 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

LEGO minifigures by Ben

2023-09-14: Ben sent me another picture of a papercraft LEGO minifigure that he built, but this time it’s an extra special one! He repainted one from my papercraft webpage to look like LEGO’s Michael “Air” Jordan minifigure!

He says he wants to make some improvements, but I think it looks really good! Besides the realistic skin colors, one of the biggest differences with my own papercraft LEGO minifigs (which are all from older LEGO set), is that the modern LEGO minifigures can have printing on the backside as well. So of course Ben did that too: picture :o)

2023-08-05: Look at the amazing papercraft LEGO minifigure collection that Ben built: picture! He has the same fun memories as I of playing with the small LEGO ones, and as you can see made almost all of the ones that I made so far. :o)

Here’s a close up look of the Pirates ones: Captain Redbeard | Governor Broadside | Imperial Soldier | Spinoza the monkey

The Castle ones: Black Knight | Ghost

the Space and Star Wars ones: Blacktron II astronaut | Darth Vader | Luke | C-3PO

And the special Christmas Toy Soldier and my own Indiana Jones (from before LEGO had an official Indiana Jones theme ;o): Toy Soldier | Indy

He even told me that  he would like to try and make some original ones himself! I’m all for that of course, but because I had to make some changes to the first one I made (Captain Redbeard) and I did that in Photoshop and NOT in the 3D model first, I can’t really give him a good 3D model to start with…!

However, everybody is definitely free to skip that step too and just download one of my existing papercrafts from my papercraft webpage and recolor them of course! (it’s actually how I start when I make a new papercraft LEGO minifigure myself now ;o)

You can use a tool like Photoshop or Gimp to open the PDF files directly, or convert them to the original image files with a website like Zamzar first and then you can chang the colors and anything else of course just like with any regular image file. And if you keep everything the same size, you can make new pieces too with a 3D program and unfold them with Pepakura Designer using the ones you already built for measurements! ;o)

The closest thing I have to a blank minifig is the LEGO Ghost (but of course, it’s even easier to use one with a base color that I already used  for another if you can ;o)

Here are some examples of great recolors from other LEGO fans:

I think Ben did a great job on his collection so far, and who knows he can add some of his own soon! :o) Thank you for downloading and building these Ninjatoes’ papercrafts!

Half-Life Gordon Freeman by Lautaro

2023-09-11: Lautaro from Córdoba, Argentina, is a big fan of the Half-Life series and a papercraft enthusiast. That’s why he built my Gordon Freeman papercraft of course! ;o)

I always try to make my papercrafts ‘logical’ to assemble, and  I was happy to hear that Lautaro found it helpful that Gordon was made that way. :o) The hands and the head were challenging though and because Lautaro was tired he didn’t make the crowbar in the end. He also didn’t include Gordon’s glasses, bu t that was because he liked Gordon better without it. :o)

All in all he did a great job I think, and as you can see, papercraft Gordon makes a nice addition to the rest of the shelf. :o)

Thank you for downloading and building a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model!

Tomb Raider Lara Croft vignettes by Gwendoline

2023-09-10: At some point I made a papercraft model of  young Link from The Legend of Zelda series, and a lot of people seem to think that it was the first papercraft on my website that I made using the Pepakura Designer tool.

In fact, it’s not even the first Zelda papercraft I made using Pepakura Designer (that was princess Zelda herself ;o). The real first papercraft that I ever made using the computer (before, I just used a piece of paper and a pencil ;o) was the Venetian Motorboat from Tomb Raider II: picture 2 :o)

Why am I telling you about this? Well, because it’s Gwendoline’s newest papercraft build from my webpage! :o)

She actually forgot she already printed it to build it though, and on the second print, the ink ended up a bit ‘iffy’. But I actually think it makes the original textures from the game look more like weathered wood. ;o)

She also gave the model her own personal touch adding a little papercraft ramp of her own for the motorboat to jump from – you know, because Lara has to jump it through a first floor gallery to race it through the shortcut that you spend the whole level opening up to be able to finish the level before the timed gates close!

Which reminds me, Lara: you did clear the minefield in front of the gates first, right? …right?

Gwendoline’s build looks really good with the ramp add-on, and if you look underneath, you can even see an extra hommage to Lara: picture 3 :o)

2023-07-24: Despite being busy with art school, Gwendoline still made time for another Tomb Raider papercraft! :o)

This time, it isn’t one one of my own papercraft Tomb Raider vignettes, but the “Rolling Boulder” trap (and some “Deadly Spikes” at the end of the slide for good measure) by Saschacraft: picture 1 : picture 2 | picture 3 |picture 4

She wanted to show Sascha the pictures, but unfortunately, I don’t think he’s been is active with papercrafts for many years already… :o(So she sent the pictures to me! :o)

I think it’s great that Sascha left his Tomb Raider papercraft blog up though, so that Gwendoline and other Tomb Raider fans (and papercrafters in general!) can still enjoy his papercrafts! :o)

And who knows, maybe there’s chance that Sascha still gets to see Gwendoline’s pictures this way? ;o)

2023-01-30: When Gwendoline shared her pictures of Midas Touch Lara last time, she told me she was going to art school, and I bet you can see why: she’s very talented for putting together these little scenes, and she seems to have a lot of fun making them extra special! ;o)

This time, she combined one of the first papercrafts I made using Pepakura Designer (the Tomb Raider 2 Great White shark and the 40 Fathoms vignette, also from Tomb Raider 2) and she also found a cute little key that fits the scene very nicely for those that know video games: picture

I just hope Lara doesn’t need the key for anything important though, because it doesn’t look like the shark wants give up the ‘treasure’ so easily…!

2022-10-02: I think Gwendoline is a Lara Croft fan and I’ll tell you why I think that: this is the third papercraft Tomb Raider vignette she sent me pictures of, and it’s the one of Lara standing on King Midas’ hand that I only finished a short while ago: picture 1

I really liked using special gold paper, and as you can see, Gwendoline also found some special gold paper to use for Lara: picture 2

I think the pictures show Gwendoline’s craft skills and artistic side as well: her build looks very clean (much cleaner than my own final build ;o) and I really like the dramatic shadows on the wall showing Lara in her death struggle…

And with some extra light, golden Lara shines even more like she deserves: picture 3 :o)

04-02-2022: Gwendoline from France sent me several picture of the papercraft Laras she put together using the templates from my Tomb Raider series: picture 4

So far, she made Young Lara (from Tomb Raider IV and V) and Thames Wharf Lara (from Tomb Raider III) – and a much larger Lara from somebody else (I think it’s the one you can get from the Origami by Thomas YouTube channel ;o)

I think she did a great job, and I really like the way she displayed them, on the ledge with the sand colored textured wall and the ancient looking cup; it really makes it feel lik Lara is on one of her adventures in a faraway country! :o)

picture 5 | picture 6

Thank you for buildings these Ninjatoes’ papercraft models!

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter

231031 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (August 24, 2023)
from: Nintendo 64 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter video game / size: ± 13 cm x 9 cm x 19,5 cm

parts (1,77 MB PDF file)
instructions (3,16 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

Tomb Raider Chronicles X-Ray Lara vignette

230022 Tomb Raider Chronicles X-Ray Lara vignette (June 3, 2023)
from: Tomb Raider Chronicles video game / size: ± 9 cm x 10 cm x 26,5 cm

parts (1,42 MB PDF file)
instructions (3,05 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

Advance Wars Green Earth Anti-Air

229104 Advance Wars Green Earth Anti-Air (April 22, 2023)
from: Advance Wars video game series / size: ± 5,5 cm x 5,5 cm x 7,5 cm

parts (1,72 MB ZIP file)
instructions (1,41 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

Lay D Denton (2000)

228030 Deus Ex The Lay D Denton Project J.C. Denton (2021) (March 15, 2023)
from: Deus Ex video game / size: ± 19,5 cm

parts (0,98 MB PDF file)
instructions (1,95 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6: Lara Croft

226021 Fortnite Lara Croft (February 14, 2023)
from: Fortnite video game / size: ± 33 cm

parts (2,40 MB PDF file)
instructions (3,33 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

Advance Wars Black Hole Lander

225103 Advance Wars Black Hole Lander (January 22, 2023)
from: Advance Wars video game series / size: ± 6,7 cm x 3,6 cm x 4,4 cm

parts (889 kB ZIP file)
instructions (482 kB PDF file)

Google Photos

Final Fantasy VIII Sorceress Edea

223010 Final Fantasy VIII Edea (November 13, 2022)
from: Final Fantasy VIII video game / size: ± 35 cm

parts (2,35 MB PDF file)
instructions (2,54 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

Tomb Raider I The Midas Touch vignette

221020 Tomb Raider I The Midas Touch vignette (september 24, 2022)
from: Tomb Raider I video game / size: ± 23,5 cm x 26 cm x 16 cm

parts (3,46 MB PDF file)
instructions (2,81 MB PDF file)

Google Photos


TIE Fighter by Valentin

(click for a bigger picture)

24-04-2022: If you want to see something cool, have a look at the great job that Valentin did on building the papercraft TIE Fighter from the classic Star Wars movies that I made in 2012 already! (I think the black and white cutting mat looks like it is made to land papercraft TIE Fighters ;o)

He says it took him countless hours, but luckily he enjoyed it and I think that really shows on the finished model!

The TIE Fighter is one of those models I made by hand, and he says the markings I made to show where everything goed helped a lot, but in the end it is thanks to the care that Valentin put into building it that the end result looks so amazing of course:

picture 1 | picture 2

I hope you guys agree with me, and that it makes you want to try out papercraft yourself sometime like Valentin! ;o)

Thank you for buildings a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model!

Tomb Raider 4 Key Fisher Lara vignette

216019 Tomb Raider 4 Key Fisher Lara vignette (January 28, 2022)
from: Tomb Raider IV The Last Revelation video game / size: ± 17 cm x 9 cm x 23,3 cm

parts (2,28 MB PDF file)
instructions (2,81 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

Battlestar Galactica Viper Mk.II repaints & update by blake7

(click for a bigger picture)

12-02-2022: In the past, I always got lots of pictures from people that built one of my papercrafts, and I would always ask them if they would like me to show them in the “hall of fame” on my papercraft website.

Nowadays, almost everybody has a Twitter or Facebook or other social media account and they can just show the papercrafts they put together on there! :o)

So it’s been a while, but this week, I got an email from Blake7 again. As you can see below he remade my Battlestar Galactica Viper MkII into lots of different versions in the past already, but one thing he didn’t do yet: merge it with the insanely detailed version of papercraft creator Uhu02!

Blake7 used the cockpit, landing gear and cannons from Uhu02’s Colonial Viper to update my version. You can see he had to made some changes to the strengthening ribs to fit the cockpit:
picture 2 | picture 3

…and the result looks great:

picture 4 | picture 5 | picture 6 !

And here are some more pictures of Blake7’s updated Viper:

picture 7 | picture 8 | picture 9 | picture 10 | picture 11

And if you want to check out Uhu02’s version (trust me, you’ll want to!) just go to his website here to see it and all his other very detailed sciencefiction and fantasy papercrafts:

Thank you Blake7 for sharing your pictures and this cool idea!

31-07-2016: The “Red Baron” was a German fighter pilot in World War I, who was famous because he painted his airplane bright red instead of the usual camouflage pattern.

…and of course because he was a very good fighter pilot, who won almost all his aerial combats!

Although that’s not so impressive of course, when you think allof his enemies were flying in biplanes, and was apparantly piloting a futuristic Battlestar Galactica Viper Mk.II: picture ;o)

The original idea for the Battlestar Galactica Viper Mk.II‘s Red Baron paint scheme was by enc86, and blake7 and Revell Fan did a great job translating it to the papercraft templates, don’t you think?

What’s that? You want to know where you can get the parts to build one yourself? On the original post of course, where you can also find blake7’s other repaints:

Have fun building!

25-06-2016: In “The Dukes of Hazzard”, there would always be a part where “them Duke boys” would escape sherriff rosco by jumping the General Lee over a ramp, high into the air!

But it looks like they took their stunt a little bit too far, and ended up in spacepicture

As always, blake7 shared his repaint so you can build a “Dukes of Hazzard” General Lee version of the Battlestar Galactica Viper as well: link

16-05-2015: If you thought blake7 only made repaints, think again!

Together with Revell-Fan, he worked out how big he should make my papercraft Battlestar Galactica Viper Mk.II for it to be in 1:24 scale – and then he did: picture

The picture shows the bigger version next to the regular sized US Navy version. If you want to make a big version like blake7, you can get the parts he made from my original Viper Mk.II post here: link

Or, you can have a look at blake7’s resizing tutorial on the forum (note: you need to become a free member to be able to download files there!) so you can learn how to do the same with other paper models you like! ;o)

04-05-2015: During World War II, it was not always easy to see for troops on the ground whether that bomber airplane coming towards them was a friend or an enemy…

So to try and prevent a lot “friendly fire” accidents during the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944, Allied airplanes got three white and two black bands painted on their wings and fuselage.

Of course a space fighter like Battlestar Galactica’s Viper Mk.II doesn’t really need such visual identifiers, but they do look good, don’t they: picture ;o)

Recoloured parts available from my original Viper Mk.II post here: link

16-03-2015: The third finished Battlestar Galactica Viper Mk.II repaint from blake7, a US Navy VFA-103 “Jolly Rogers” squadron version, complete with skull and crossbones emblem: picture ;o)

As before, you can get the parts to build this version from my original post here: link

22-01-2015: After the Caprica Police version, blake7 sent me a NASA repaint of my papercraft Battlestar Galactica Viper Mk.II too: picture

If you like this repaint, you can get the parts from the original Battlestar Galactica Viper Mk.II post again: link

11-01-2015 update: blake7 sent me an updated version of his Battlestar Galactica Police Viper Mk.II, with higher resolution textures: picture

Here are some comparison pictures between the two versions:
picture 1 | picture 2 | picture 3

You can get this updated version from the original Battlestar Galactica Viper Mk.II post again: link

Have fun building!

11-11-2014: Some time ago, blake7 asked me if he could a repaint of my papercraft Battlestar Galactica Viper Mk.II, and here it is: picture ! ;o)

It’s based on a drawing made by BJ-023 on DeviantArt (link) and best of all, blake7 even shared the parts he used so you can build this version yourself too! ;o)

You can either get blake7’s repainted parts from the original Viper Mk.II post on my papercraft webpage here, or on the or Zealot forums if you’re a member there.

Thank you for repainting a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model!

The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Moon

214026 The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Moon (October 31, 2021)
from: The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask game / size: ± 31 cm

parts (2,30 MB PDF file)
instructions (1,77 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

LEGO 6592 Vacation Hideaway

211019 LEGO 6592 Vacation Hideaway (July 10, 2021)
from: LEGO Town theme / size: ± 75,4 cm x 75,4 cm x 52,5 cm

set building instructions (2,08 MB PDF file)

sheet color & cutting list (49,9 kB PDF file)
PDF Brick parts & instructions (64,5 MB ZIP file)
Silhouette Cameo .studio3 Brick cut files (9,94 MB ZIP file)

Google Photos

Tomb Raider 3 RX-Tech Mines vignette

210018 Tomb Raider 3 RX-Tech Mines vignette (May 22, 2021)
from: Tomb Raider 3 video game / size: ± 14 cm x 14 cm x 24 cm

parts (2,69 MB PDF file)
instructions (2,90 MB PDF file)

Google Photos