LEGO minifigures by Ben

2023-09-14: Ben sent me another picture of a papercraft LEGO minifigure that he built, but this time it’s an extra special one! He repainted one from my papercraft webpage to look like LEGO’s Michael “Air” Jordan minifigure!

He says he wants to make some improvements, but I think it looks really good! Besides the realistic skin colors, one of the biggest differences with my own papercraft LEGO minifigs (which are all from older LEGO set), is that the modern LEGO minifigures can have printing on the backside as well. So of course Ben did that too: picture :o)

2023-08-05: Look at the amazing papercraft LEGO minifigure collection that Ben built: picture! He has the same fun memories as I of playing with the small LEGO ones, and as you can see made almost all of the ones that I made so far. :o)

Here’s a close up look of the Pirates ones: Captain Redbeard | Governor Broadside | Imperial Soldier | Spinoza the monkey

The Castle ones: Black Knight | Ghost

the Space and Star Wars ones: Blacktron II astronaut | Darth Vader | Luke | C-3PO

And the special Christmas Toy Soldier and my own Indiana Jones (from before LEGO had an official Indiana Jones theme ;o): Toy Soldier | Indy

He even told me that  he would like to try and make some original ones himself! I’m all for that of course, but because I had to make some changes to the first one I made (Captain Redbeard) and I did that in Photoshop and NOT in the 3D model first, I can’t really give him a good 3D model to start with…!

However, everybody is definitely free to skip that step too and just download one of my existing papercrafts from my papercraft webpage and recolor them of course! (it’s actually how I start when I make a new papercraft LEGO minifigure myself now ;o)

You can use a tool like Photoshop or Gimp to open the PDF files directly, or convert them to the original image files with a website like Zamzar first and then you can chang the colors and anything else of course just like with any regular image file. And if you keep everything the same size, you can make new pieces too with a 3D program and unfold them with Pepakura Designer using the ones you already built for measurements! ;o)

The closest thing I have to a blank minifig is the LEGO Ghost (but of course, it’s even easier to use one with a base color that I already used  for another if you can ;o)

Here are some examples of great recolors from other LEGO fans:

I think Ben did a great job on his collection so far, and who knows he can add some of his own soon! :o) Thank you for downloading and building these Ninjatoes’ papercrafts!

LEGO Wind-up Toy Soldier

208018 LEGO Wind-up Toy Soldier (December 25, 2020)
from: DK Publishing LEGO Minifigures Character Encyclopedia (ISBN 9781409324621) / size: ± 32 cm

parts (4,29 MB PDF file)
instructions (3,42 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

LEGO 10188 Darth Vader (Death Star torso)

198017 LEGO 10188 Darth Vader (Death Star torso) (May 4, 2020)
from: LEGO Star Wars theme / size: ± 26,5 cm

parts (3,83 MB PDF file)
instructions (4,50 MB PDF file)

alternative grey lightsaber parts (259 kB PDF file)

Google Photos

Link, Mario, LEGO C-3PO, Kim Possible, NES Zapper, Batman, Lulu, Barack Obama and lots more by Richard (and Kristine ;o)

23-03-2019: Richard did it again! He built another really nice papercraft, and this time it’s Cloud, in the Kingdom Hearts version!

He’s originally from the Final Fantasy series though of course, where he’s famous for his huge “buster sword” – in fact even the papercraft version is so heavy, that he decided to put it down for a little bit: picture ;o)

It’s another great build by Richard, whose only problem now he says that he “doesn’t know where to put them anymore…” ;o)

17-10-2018: Who wants to build papercrafts when it’s so warm and sunny like it was last Summer? Not Richard! ;o)

In fact, he didn’t papercraft for months, but now it’s Fall, he felt the itch to papercraft something again, and that something was Twilight Link: picture 1 | picture 2 | picture 3

07-03-2018: Richard’s friend is a big Obama fan, so Richard decided to build a papercraft LEGO Obama for her as a gift: picture ;o)

You can see that I don’t have a papercraft Obama LEGO minifig though, so he recoloured my Luke Skywalker to make it. ;o)

To save time, Richard left out all the inner parts that are quite tricky to build sometimes and take a lot of extra work. So LEGO Obama can’t move his arms and legs like my other papercraft minifigs, but he looks great for the picture of course! ;o)

06-02-2018: Normally, Richard builds papercrafts that he knows, but even though he never played Final Fantasy X, he liked my papercraft Lulu so much that he decided to try it anyway: picture

It took him four weeks of work at a regular pace. And although he says some parts like the hands were hard to build for him and that he would like to “build them as clean” as me, I think he’s a bit exaggerating because his papercraft Lulu looks amazing, especially in her photoshopped setting! (I’m half expecting a big Ragora to pop up from the background! – not that that would worry Lulu of course, since she’d just Firaga the hell out of it ;o)

02-01-2018: Well, it looks like Batman is warning us beforehand not to make any trouble on the streets of Gotham, or else… :o!

This time, Richard had the help of his sister Kristine, making this papercraft Batman as a holiday project together: picture

It was not easy, especially the head and hands, but I must say they did a good job on making him look so intimidating to any evildoers: picture ;o)

24-11-2017: Richard has been playing Super Mario 64 lately, and couldn’t resist building Paper Mario 3D: picture

He says he didn’t find it very difficuly to build, except maybe the hand. ;o) But as you can see, he managed, and Paper Mario 3D is quite as part of his growing papercraft collection: picture!

19-10-2017: How cool is that! Richard is fairly new to papercraft, but he already made not only LEGO C-3PO, but also Kim Possible and the NES Zapper:

picturepicture | picture

Some parts like C-3PO’s head and hands were tricky, but as you can see, he did an impressive job! ;o)

Thank you for building these Ninjatoes’ (and other peoples’!) papercraft models!

9 inch LEGO man by Jeremy

20-06-2015: Jeremy sent me this picture of a 9 inch (about 23 cm) papercraft LEGO man that he built.

He says it is based on the “spaceman” LEGO pattern, and I think Jeremy did a very good job, it looks like a very clean build! ;o)

So good in fact, that I think the minifigure in the front is a bit jealous: with its extra long legs, it looks like it wished it would be bigger too…! ;o)

Thank you for building a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model!

LEGO 14k Gold C-3PO

160013 LEGO C-3PO (June 28, 2014)
from: LEGO Star Wars theme / size: ± 26 cm

parts (2,80 MB PDF file)
instructions (1,73 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

LEGO C-3PO (2012)

159012 LEGO C-3PO (June 28,2014)
from: LEGO Star Wars theme / size: ± 26 cm

parts (3,30 MB PDF file)
instructions (1,73 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

LEGO Pirates Captain Redbeard by Thibaud

05-06-2014: Thibaud had been looking around on the internet to find one of those big, plastic promotional LEGO minifigures statues you sometimes see in the shop windows of toy stores, but unfortunately, he found that they’re pretty rare, and very expensive…! :o(

So instead, after finding the papercraft LEGO minifigures from my webpage, he decided to make a paper one himself! ;o)

My papercraft LEGO minifigs are already much bigger than the real ones of course, but Thibaud wanted an even bigger one, so he had the templates printed on A3 size paper at a copy shop.

Then he bought some glue and set to work building his very own papercraft Captain Redbeard: picture 2 | picture 3 | picture 4

Although at times Thibaud found it quite difficult, you can see from the end result that he did a great job: picture 5 ! ;o)

If you want to see even more pictures, you can read the article he wrote about his it on his own website “Douce Propagande”: link (it’s written in French, but you can translate it with a website like Google Translate if you don’t speak French to ;o)

Thank you for building a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model!

Sora by introvertvirtuoso

(click for bigger image)

22-03-2014: Nica (a.k.a. introvertvirtuoso) from the Philippines built my papercraft Kingdom Hearts 2 Sora!

As yo ucan see, she did a great job, and because she didn’t glue the head to the neck, her paper Sora can still look around in different directions! ;o)

Because of Sora’s fingers, it’s difficult for him to hold the Keyblade (that’s the same on my build too); but for Nica, that just means she can put Sora in a different pose like you see in the picture! ;o)

You can see another picture of Sora in his standard pose (and lots of Nica’s drawings!) in her DeviantArt gallery: link

It’s definitely worth checking out! ;o)

Thank you for building a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model!

Scaled down LEGO minifigs by Kiyomhing

17-03-2014: Kiyomhing from South Korea sent me a really nice e-mail about my papercraft LEGO minifigs that he built: the Forestman Leader, the Black Knight, the Ghost and Captain Redbeard! ;o)

The ship you see behind them is not the official 1989 LEGO set 6285 (re-released in 2002 as 10040) “Black Seas Barracuda” from The LEGO Group, but a clone called “The Black Pearl” from the Enlighten Brick company.

The ship is the same size though, so it still tells you the scale of the papercraft minifigs: they are quite a bit smaller than normal, because Kiyomhing printed 4 pages of the templates on 1 sheet of paper!

So his Captain Redbeard for example is small enough to hold in your hand:
picture 1 | picture 2 | picture 3

Because of the extra small size, Kiyomhing made some detailed parts (like the decorations of the Black Knight’s  helmet and the arrow quiver of the Forest Man) a little bit simpler, but as you can see in the pictures, they still look really fantastic! ;o)

picture 4 | picture 5picture 6 | picture 7

In some cases, it was even too difficult to use the original cutting lines, but Kiyomhing just used his own judgment to make the parts the way he thought they should be (and it turned out great! ;o)

All the parts are more difficult when made smaller of course, but Kiyomhing found that the hands and legs were especially extra difficult…

But I think when you look at the pictures, you will agree that he did an amazing job!

And some advantages to making the papercraft LEGO minifigs smaller, is that it’s okay to use regular printer paper, and you need less room to display them of course.

And they’re just more cute, Kiyomhing says. ;o)

Thank you for building these Ninjatoes’ papercraft models!

Contest winner + LEGO Bane and Captain America repaint by Charles

21-12-2013: Those who think contests are a waste of time and you never win anything, guess again!

Charles actually won 2nd prize in the Lotus F1/Burn Energy Drink #MyKimiRobot contest that he found through my papercraft weblog: a real, signed Lotus Formula 1 team helmet:!

It took quite a while before the prize was ready to send out, but after three months, Charles finally got the helmet he won: picture ! ;o)

The contest was to build the papercraft Lotus F1 team robot supplied, and then take a funny/cool picture with it, and Charles’ entry had the robot racing a can of Burn Energy Drink, leaving the competition in the dust: picture ! ;o)

It’s a very smart and cool entry given it was for Burn Energy Drink of course, you can see the other prize winning entries here: link, and all the rest of the entries here: link

Congratulations on winning such a cool prize! ;o)

17-04-2013: Good news for everybody that likes Charles’ papercraft LEGO Captain America and Bane repaints!

Charles has sent me the files he made to build them, and allowed me to upload them here so you can download and build them too! ;o)

Charles says Captain America’s shield was kinda made on the fly as he built it, but he included the basic parts, so you can make it the same way he did. ;o)

14-04-2013: Repainting my papercraft LEGO minifigs into Captain America meant the first time for Charles using Adobe image software.

But it looks like he’s gotten a taste for it, because as you can see, he made another great LEGO minifig repaint already: Bane, from the LEGO Batman series: picture

04-04-2013: There have been repaints of my papercraft LEGO minifigs before, and here’s another really nice one: Captain America, made by Charles Hulbert: picture ;o)

Pretty much every part was repainted to look like Captain America, and as you can see, Charles even made a custom shield!

Charles did a great job I think, papercraft LEGO “Cap” looks really good!

Thank you for repainting a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model!

LEGO Pirate Captain Redbeard by Mariza

21-11-2013: It has many small parts and she touched it up with crayons, but Mariza did enjoy building my papercraft LEGO Pirate Captain Redbeard! ;o)

But it’s not surprising, because she really likes all kinds of papercraft art, and she even made a whole Facebook Page about it called “Artempapel”: link

Have a look, and I think you’ll like it too! ;o)

Thank you for building a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model!

LEGO Gouverneur Grootzeil (Governor Broadside)

144011 LEGO Gouverneur Grootzeil (Governor Broadside) (July 20, 2013)
from: LEGO Pirates theme / size: ± 32,5 cm

parts (4,05 MB PDF file)
instructions (2,66 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

LEGO ghost and Disney’s Kim Possible by lubm

11-06-2013: Here’s another papercraft model built by lubm already, the LEGO ghost! There’s no need to be scared though, because the LEGO ghost is a very friendly ghost. ;o)

As you can see, underneath that ghostly cloak is just an all-white, featureless figure with no face: picture

(okay, maybe that’s not really less scary than a smiling ghost…)

But even ghosts like to relax too from time to time, so lubm made a nice little bench for him to sit on: picture ;o)

And on special occasions (like Halloween maybe? ;o) the friendly LEGO ghost likes to do something special, so he gets rid of his regular feet when he puts on his ghost shroud, so it appears as if he is really floating in the air over the ground…! ;o)

picture 4 | picture 5 | picture 6

08-06-2013: Kim Possible is just an average teenage girl that just wants to earn some extra money babysitting, but because of a mix-up with her website, she finds herself fighting all kinds of supervillains that want to take over the world…

This papercraft Kim Possible was built by lubm, and as you can see from the pictures, she turned out really great! ;o)

picture 1 | picture 2 | picture 3 | picture 4

Thank you for building these Ninjatoes’ papercraft models!

LEGO 7140 Luke Skywalker (rebel pilot)

136010 LEGO 7140 Luke Skywalker (rebel pilot) (January 20, 2013)
from: LEGO Star Wars theme / size: ± 26 cm

parts (3,67 MB PDF file)
instructions (2,42 MB PDF file)

alternative grey lightsaber parts (262 kB PDF file)

Google Photos

LEGO Ninjago Lloyd ZX re-paint by Balazs

29-12-2012: A lot of people often ask me to make a specific LEGO minifig for my papercraft LEGO minifig series, but unfortunately, I just don’t have the time for that… :o(

Balazs from Hungary however, has re-painted the parts from one of my papercraft LEGO Forestman into a Ninjago Lloyd ZX minifig himself! ;o)

You can see he already did a great job on re-painting all the parts of the body, like the torso, the head, and even the legs!

Balazs hasn’t made the ninja mask and new shoulder piece yet, but he already has plans to modify one of the helmets from my papercraft LEGO astronauts into the ninja mask! ;o)

Balazs sent me the files that he re-painted, so if you want to re-create his papercraft LEGO Ninjago Lloyd ZX so far, you can download the parts to do so here:

Thank you for building (and re-painting ;o) a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model!

LEGO Forestmen leader

121008 LEGO Forestmen (leader) (March 15, 2012)
from: LEGO Castle theme / size: ± 29,5 cm

parts with yellow feather (4,70 MB PDF file)
parts with white feather (4,62 MB PDF file)
instructions (3,88 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

LEGO Forestman (blue)

120007 LEGO Forestman (blue) (March 15, 2012)
from: LEGO Castle theme / size: ± 29,5 cm

parts (4,66 MB PDF file)
instructions (3,88 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

LEGO Forestman (red)

119006 LEGO Forestman (red) (March 15, 2012)
from: LEGO Castle theme / size: ± 29,5 cm

parts (4,70 MB PDF file)
instructions (3,88 MB PDF file)

Google Photos

Captain Linebeck by EldeTabernas

25-12-2011: You didn’t think Eldetabernas stopped building paper models, did you? ;o)

Last time he build a LEGO Pirate captain, this time it’s another sea captain, from The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass: the fearless (or so he keeps telling others…) Captain Linebeck!

As captain of the S.S. Linebeck, he ferries Link from island to island over the Great Sea, and from the looks of it they’ll be visiting Madagascar soon! (watch out for penguins! ;o)

Great job building Linebeck!

12-05-2011: This time Eldetabernas built a paper model that’s not from a video game (well, if you don’t count the 1998 video game LEGO Racers… ;o)

It’s the coolest pirate LEGO ever made, captain Redbeard! Although he’s missing a leg, a hand and an eye, he’s still smiling: picture

Like all LEGO products, minifigs can be disassembled and assembled again in seperate parts, and Eldetabernas made a video showing that this papercraft version is no different: link ;o)

08-03-2011: With the problems with the mast and sail solved, Eldetabernas still wasn’t done with the King of Red Lions! ;o)

This time, he built the special sea base and the Chokipeta Wind Waker Link that Josh Darrah made (link).

I think they look very good, and fit perfectly with my King of Red Lions model! Here are two pictures: picture 1 | picture 2

To see a video of Eldetabernas’ King of Red Lions with the new sea base and some videos from the game (Eldetabernas didn’t want to cut the catchy music short ;o) go here!

25-02-2011: We already saw that Eldetabernas built the King of Red Lions again using stronger paper than the first time, but the sail was still causing the mast to bend because it was so heavy

Now, he also solved that problem, by rebuilding the mast and sail and using two, long toothpicks and a Chinese chopstick to reinforce the parts from the inside!

So now, the mast is no longer bent: picture 1! He even made a schematic to show you how he did it: picture 2

He also didn’t glue on the backside of the sail this time to reduce the weight (because like he says: “it’s heavy and you can’t see that part!” ;o)

And as you can see it was well worth going back and re-building the mast and sail again: now the mast is perfectly straight!

Great work again!

16-02-2011: Eldetabernas sent me a message that together with two of his friends, he started a papercraft weblog of his own: Papercrafteros!

On their new weblog, they will showcase the paper models they built, so if his friends are just as big a papercraft enthustiacs as himself, I’m sure we will be seeing *a lot* of pictures there! ;o)

The blog is in Spanish, but you can use a tool to translate it or just look at the pictures! ;o)

29-01-2011: Besides sending me this picture and video of the papercraft Wind Waker Fishman (made by the Papercraft Couple) that he built, Eldetabernas also made a video tour of the artwork in his house – including all the paper models he built of course! ;o)

Here’s the link if you want to watch it too!

13-01-2011: You recognize this guy of course, it’s-a Mario! ;o) Built by Eldetabernas, and this time he also made a video!

You can see it on YouTube here: video

19-12-2010: Like so many papercrafters, Eldetabernas ran out of room to put his paper models… ;o)

His dad made two new shelves for him, but I think he will need even more shelves if he keeps building so fast: shelves icture ;o)

28-11-2010: More paper models by Eldetabernas! Besides remaking his Clocktown Schnauzer in less than 2 hours (here’s a picture of it together with young Link) he also built some other models since last time:

06-11-2010 EldeTabernas made another paper model; this time it’s Cloud Strife from my Final Fantasy / Kingdom Hearts series!

The hair and the boots were the most challenging parts he says, but I think he did a great job on those: picture 2 | picture 3

30-10-2010: This time EldeTabernas didn´t make a Legend of Zelda model, but the Nintendo Zapper light gun! picture 1 | picture 2

17-10-2010: EldeTabernas worked pretty fast, and he already finished the rest of the King of Red Lions! Unfortunately the mast still wasn’t strong enough for the sail, but I think it looks great nonetheless: picture 1 | picture 2

14-10-2010: In the first picture that he sent me, you can see that EldeTabernas already built the King of Red Lions once, but now he is building a new version out of stronger paper!

Because there are a lot of small parts on the figurehead, the King of Red Lions is definately one of my most challenging models, but that isn’t stopping EldeTabernas: picture 1 | picture 2

09-10-2010: Here’s another Legend of Zelda model built by EldeTabernas: Twilight Link!

He used regular printer paper, and except for the hands that required some extra patience, he didn’t find it very difficult and enjoyed making it. ;o)

02-10-2010: EldeTabernas from Spain sends me this picture of the Zelda models he made so far to show his progress:

The Clocktown Schnauzer dog, Majora’s Mask (center) and the King of Red Lions (right) were the first paper models he made, and his latest ones are wolf Link and the Postman! (both on the left)

Here are some more pictures, of one of his first builds, and one of his latest build:
King of Red Lions | Clock Town Postman

He is rightfully proud of his latest two builds I think, and even though he feels his first models aren’t as good, I hope he enjoyed making them! ;o)

Thank you for building these Ninjatoes’ papercraft models!