Half-Life Gordon Freeman by Lautaro

2023-09-11: Lautaro from Córdoba, Argentina, is a big fan of the Half-Life series and a papercraft enthusiast. That’s why he built my Gordon Freeman papercraft of course! ;o)

I always try to make my papercrafts ‘logical’ to assemble, and  I was happy to hear that Lautaro found it helpful that Gordon was made that way. :o) The hands and the head were challenging though and because Lautaro was tired he didn’t make the crowbar in the end. He also didn’t include Gordon’s glasses, bu t that was because he liked Gordon better without it. :o)

All in all he did a great job I think, and as you can see, papercraft Gordon makes a nice addition to the rest of the shelf. :o)

Thank you for downloading and building a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model!

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