Legend Lara, American McGee’s Alice and Underworld wetsuit Lara by BRSpidey

04-02-2014: He needed a little help from Mayushii Shina (from Steins;Gate) but Brspidey built my papercraft Lara Croft from Tomb Raider Legend: picture 1 | picture 2 ;o)

And now he made her star in his little “choose your own storyline”-story called “Lara Croft: In search of the secrets of papercraft” !

Lara realizes she is only made from paper, and goes on a quest to find her origins, when she suddenly encounters the papercraft T-Rex from Paper’s Juke…!

But what happens next? Does Lara stand and face the monster? Or does she run and live to fight another day? Or will the encounter have a surprise ending? You can choose on BRSpidey’s DeviantArt page: link ;o)

27-10-2013: It’s another American McGee’s Alice again, this time built by BRSpidey, your friendly neighbourhood papercrafter from Mexico: picture ! ;o)

Alice was only BRSpidey’s second papercraft model, and although he found the fingers quite a challenge, it inspired him to continue papercrafting and now he has built lots more models already, many of which he painted for extra realism! ;o)

Underworld wetsuit Lara is a good example of that: because BRSpidey wasn’t happy with the quality of his printer, he painted the whole model with acryllic, matte, metallic and fluorescent paint, and he also added some relief to the arms and harness!

The results look very smooth, as you can se for yourself in these two pictures:
picture 1 | picture 2

And if you want to see lots more great examples of BRSpidey’s papercraft builds, be sure to check out his DeviantArt gallery: link !

Thank you for building these Ninjatoes’ papercraft models!

Fierce Deity Link by Cesar Rodriguez

10-06-2009: As you can see by the timestamp on Cesar’s picture, he built my papercraft Fierce Deity Link quite a while ago already, but he still looks very good!

Fierce Deity Link (sometimes called “Oni Link”) is the ultimate form of Link in the video game “Majora’s Mask”, and it is very difficult to collect all the masks you need to trade to become “Oni Link”…!

Luckily, building this papercraft version of him like Cesar did should take a lot less time! ;o)

Thank you for building a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model!

American McGee’s Alice by Jean-Pierre

17-05-2011: Jean-Pierre made this nice little Alice in Wonderland diorama with my American McGee’s Alice model and the Queen of Hearts from the Constructing Wonderland website.

Here’s another picture of Alice by herself: picture

I included the Vorpal Blade in my model as Alice’s weapon of choice, but the croquet Mallet that Jean-Pierre made for her is another one of the deadly weapons she can use, many of which can be found here.

The boney American McGee’s Cheshire Cat is still on my to do-list to paperfy, but Jean-Pierre made a simple standie that looks pretty good with Alice too: picture ;o)

Thank you for building a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model!

3,5m American McGee’s Alice by Victor

19-08-2009: it looks like Alice donned her classic look for the festival! If you want to see more pictures of Carrer de Bruniquer transformed into Alice’s Wonderland, check out Victor’s slide show of the festival here (Google has dismissed the Picasa webalbums unfortunately)

03-08-2009: If you happen to be in Barcelona during the Festa Major de Gràcia this year (15-21 August 2009) then be sure to visit Carrer de Bruniquer: in this street, you will be able to encounter a 3,5 meter tall incarnation of my American McGee’s Alice model!

Victor and several people from Barcelona’s Gràcia district are making it as part of the decorations for the festival for their street, which will have an Alice in Wonderland theme.

They’re making it out of cardboard, because even thicker paper won’t be strong enough for a model this big! To enlarge the parts from the original model, they projected the parts onto a wall and traced them with a marker.

You can imagine it’s a big project, so not something Victor can do on his own; but when it comes to preparing for a party, you’ll find there will always be people willing to lend a helping hand: picture 1 | picture 2 ;o)

Thank you for building a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model and have fun partying! ;o)

American McGee’s Alice by Austin Taylor

31-03-2009: Austin Taylor had a look at my little “hall of fame” here and was surprised that nobody had sent in a picture of their American McGee’s Alice yet!

So he decided he would be the first. ;o) While he only started papercrafting a few months ago, I think he did a terrific job!

There are two more pictures at Austin’s own weblog here, so be sure to check it out!

Thank you for building a Ninjatoes’ papercraft model!

American McGee’s Alice

061008 American McGee’s Alice (November 21, 2008)
from: American McGee’s Alice video game / size: ± 24,5 cm

parts (1,56 MB PDF file)
display stand (879 kB PDF file)
instructions (1,95 MB PDF file)

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