“Delta Flyer” by Terry

22-02-2012: Terry from Saskatchewan, Canada made this “Delta Flyer” for the Star Trek diorama he made for his home theater!

I think from the picture, you can already see that’s a little bit different than usual; that’s because it’s not made from paper, but from plastic window blinds!

Using the parts from my papercraft “Delta Flyer” as reference, Terry re-created the shapes using scrap pieces of 2 inches wide window blinds which he heated to they could be bent into the right shapes: picture 2 | picture 3

With baseboard putty, he filled the seams between the window blind pieces, and after a good sanding, he painted the “Delta Flyer” in the appropriate colours: picture 4

He added a lot of nice details to his plastic “Delta Flyer” (he even added lighting!) and the result looks really great: picture 5 | picture 6

For many more pictures of this wonderful build, you can see Terry’s Photobucket gallery here: link

Thank you for downloading and building a Ninjatoes’ pape… ehm, window blinds model! ;o)

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