11 thoughts on “Hall of Fame

  1. How do i send you my own?
    and.. Sorry im sending a lot of posts, i always post something then forget it. sorry if you think of it as spam

    1. Do you mean a paper model you made yourself, or a picture of own of my paper models that you built?

      Although I always love new people enjoying papercraft so much that they even went ahead and created their own models, I made my papercraft webpage only for my own models, sorry… (otherwise I’d end up having to host hundreds of models from lots of different people of course!)

      A lot of papercrafters made their own free weblog using services like Blogger, or they made a DeviantArt account where you can upload your artwork (including paper models of course), and there are lots more sites like that. Some sites from enthustiastic papercrafters like the Papercraft Museum do (did?) offer to host other people’s models. I don’t know if Haywan (the creator of the Papercraft Museum website) still does that, but maybe you could ask him? (his e-mail adress is on the contact page: link)

      If you meant that you built one of my models and want me to put it in the hall of fame (which I’ll gladly do for everybody that enjoys my papercraft models enough to build them ;o) you can simply send me the picture as an attachment on my e-mail adress ninjatoes@home.nl or send me a link where I can find it. (I always enjoy it if people tell me a little bit about their model, so I can put that in the hall of fame to! ;o)

  2. Sou uma iniciante. Comecei a montar a partir dos cubocrafts .. depois que vi seus modelos, simplismente viciei! Peguei o seu modelo de Tomb Raider eo Haron do final fantasy, simplismente amo montar!
    Não sabia que havia folha especial para montar os artesanatos …
    Monto folhas simples com os meus.

    amo o seu trabalho!

    você está de parabens!

    obs.: espero que o fato de escrever em portugues não atrapalhe nossa comunicação!

    1. Yeah, I think at one point, the person who made that sold it at anime or game conventions or something like that. I don’t know if he still does…

      I watched the series and it was very enjoyable although it was a bit too serious too often… Maybe I will make a few paper models about it, and if I do, Edward and Alphonse will be the first two I make of course; but it will be a long time before I do I’m afraid…!

      1. I think you mean this one: link ?

        It’s a papercraft Alphonse Elric alright, but not the one in the picture unfortunately…

        I bet it will look great on any Fullmetal Alchemist fan’s bookshelf, though! ;o)

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